Taieri Anglican Parish

Christian Education
EDUCATION COMMITTEE MINUTES from their own minute book.
October 1963 – Mrs. Sutherland, Robertson, Scott, Cowan, YPC representative, Young Wives Representative (Molly Fulton) Sunday School reps – Mrs. Tunnicliffe. ? have study groups of films for adults.
CHILDREN - from St Luke’s Minutes
18 July 1934 - AGM The Christmas picnic will be held at Dunoys paddock.
15 September 1943 - There will be children’s party 18/10/43
Churchwardens report 1953 – there are 44 in Sunday School
Church wardens report 1954 –. The Young peoples club is active on Wednesday night and the new junior club on Thursday after school.
Vicar’s report 1954 – Fairfield Sunday school teachers are Mesdames Fox & Styles & Miss Paterson.
27 June 1954 - 40 on Sunday School roll, 30 attend. Young people’s senior group and Junior group. Keen interest, out door trips.
25 June 1956 –. Sunday School – 30 – short of teachers. Catechism class 25,
Church Wardens report 1957 –In parish there are 2 Bible Classes & 4 Sunday Schools. All need more teachers except in Fairfield.
24 June 1958 – AGM –The Sunday School is growing.
Church warden’s report 1959 – Mrs. Bishop leads the Sunday School – 43 children & 4 teachers. Bible class has 17, Catechism class 37.
28 September 1959 – . .Young people’s clubs gone.
29 February 1960 – Large roll at Sunday School. 3 teachers. 30 in catechism class
26 January 1961 –. £10 from catechism class who will take no prizes but give money top NCBF.
20 February 1963 –? Mrs.Tunnicliffe (Sunday School teacher) get a taxi from old airport to church.
26 June 1963 – AGM -. There are 132 in Sunday School + 10 mailbag scholars
5 August 1964 - AGM Need more Sunday School teachers.
18 November 1964 – Mr. P.Dolamore has given the young people the gift of a record player.
22 June 1966 - AGM - Committee formed to organise youth group.
21 September 1966 – St. Luketide. Saturday Oct 15 – Junior & Senior children’s parties.
Saturday 29 – Young people’s social
Church wardens report 1967 – Sunday school has 143, 13 teachers. Mrs. Dulcie Sutherland has been running monthly social evenings in the winter for over form one children.
2 May 1968 – Correspond. Letter from Dulcie Sutherland with requests from young people – asking for more family involvement, more concern for those less fortunate than themselves, and a Youth Group.
6 May 1968 –Mrs. Sutherland is organising youth group - 24 may go.
10 June 1968 – Youth group started – very active.
4 July 1968 –. Need more Sunday School teachers - ? bring children to part of church service.
Sunday School 130 children, need another teacher. Monthly social again during the winter run by Dulcie Sutherland. & sanctuary guild. First time there have been adult study groups meeting under lay leadership – Pat Scott organised these. Also a young people’s study group.
9 September 1968 - St. Lukes tide – Youth service Sunday evening. Young children’s party in November. 23rd November BBQ for junior catechism class
10 February 1969 – Need more Sunday School teachers - 25 in one class
6 April 1970 - ? youth group combine with Methodists
24 June 1970 – AGM - The youth group has combined with the Methodists.
1 March 1971 – Youth group going Sunday night ? should vestry visit.
5 April 1971 – Youth group going well. 8am
17 November 1971 – Discussion re children in church – need to find a balance. Family service sometimes. Mrs Mellsop is superintendent of Sunday School .
18 August 1971 – Keith Burtenshaw is youth leader
19 April 1972 - . Mrs. R.Wilson taught Sunday School for 43 years!
15 May 1972 - . Sunday School to use the Methodist Hall
13 September 1972 –? combine some parts of Sunday School with the Methodists - some aspects. New confirmation scheme.
25 March 1973 - Youth Group is still ongoing. Picnic held at Waipori – 66 present.
13 June 1973. 8 in Junior youth group, 5 in Senior group. There is a junior choir going. Christian initiation class taught by Mrs. Mellsop – 30 children standards 3-4. & 22 in Standard 4 up.
Programme for 80th birthday. Sunday 14th October stewardship family service,
Thursday 18th October. Children’s party 4 pm; Sunday 21st – Eucharist + children – Bishop coming. Children admitted to communion.
Correspond. September 1973 – Letter from Robin Mellsop detailing improvements needed in the Sunday School
10 October 1973 - 45 children in Christian initiation. Youth groups stop for lack of interest. Mrs. Tunnicliffe to do children’s party.
14 November 1973 - Stop youth groups till next year. Children’s party was a success.
20 February 1974. Picnic cancelled too dry. 300 saw the nativity play. Mrs. Mellsop produced this.
19 March 1974 - . Youth retreat to be held at Pleasant valley.
24 April 1974 – Problems in Sunday School - no one in charge & poor attendance.
24 March 1974 – In last year 48 people, mostly 8-12, were admitted to communion.
29 May 1974 – T.Hopkins in charge of education – 7 teachers
17 July 1974 – Sunday School going, to start a youth group.
22 August 1974 - There are 40 families at Outram but their representation is small. Representative is W. Riley Sunday School & Youth Groups are going.
23 October 1974 – Children’s party – 65 attended.
25 September 1974 - 50-60 children in Sunday School. 34 in the junior class.
26 February 1975 - Junior Sunday School 27, Youth group 10. Increase in income. To have a picnic & service at Middlemarch.
13 May 1975 –. Youth group are going to paint hall.
4 February 1976 - New curriculum for Sunday School –
6 October 1976 - Hopkins is retiring from Education Committee. Need youth group
1 March 1977 - Sunday School is being held in the Scout Hall.
27 March 1977 - AGM - Concern re lack of youth group.
8 June 1977 - Problems with Sunday School during alteration. ? Pat Scott takes her class on a weekday.
3 August 1977 -. Mr. & Mrs. Fallon to start a youth group.
7 October 1977 – Youth group is starting with Kathy Wood helping with music – 30 attending youth group.
3 December 1977 -. There are 3 groups at Sunday School
5 April 1978 – AGM Vicar’s report – 16 young people take Holy Communion. Sunday School is going well, though the one at St. Thomas’s has closed.
1 February 1978 - Follow cannot continue with youth group - ? who will take it
7 June 1978 - . . St.Thomas has started Sunday School. Mrs Lowther will bring children into church.
7 November 1979 - Youth group have been to a camp at St. Martin’s Island. Leaders - P.Scott, M.Fulton & Eric Simpson
7 November 1979 - Auction & fair raised $2,190. Youth group have been to a camp at St. Martin’s Island
Leaders - P.Scott, M.Fulton & Eric Simpson.
4 April 1979 - AGM - St. Thomas Sunday School is going well. Young people’s group meeting & had camp at St.Martin’s Island. Mr. McGhie complained re noise of children in church.
6 June 1979 - The Youth group prepared the Pentecost service
2 April 1980 - AGM - The only children going to Sunday School are the children of church goers. Young people’s club is functioning well. Led by Eric Simpson –social & vicar teaches religion.
1 October 1980 – Young people’s clubs are going well but will close for the third term.
8 April 1981 – AGM - Young people’s club from 7-9 leaders Eric Simpson & Vicar.
5 August 1981 – Still problems with youth group
2 December 1981 – Mrs. R. Wilson donated $50 to Sunday School.
2 February 1982 – Molly Fulton resigned from teaching Sunday School. Mrs Pauline Leader takes young primary, Helen Smith takes older primary. Lorna Lowther takes forms 1 & 2, Pat Scott secondary.
3 March 1982 – Very few at Sunday School; try to increase stewardship.
31 March 1982 –AGM - St. Thomas’ Sunday School has combined with Presbyterians.
Vicar’s report 1982/1983 Lorna & Jonathon take form 1-2- Youth group. Pat Scott does drama in church.
21 September 1983 - Games evening held & parish ice skating trip to Naseby
15 February 1984 – Parish picnic to be 19 February St. Martin’s Island.
11 April 1984 - Rev. John Wilson - declining numbers of children.
Vicar’s Report 1983/1984 - . Tuesday club 22. Outram Wednesday club 30. Junior Youth Group 18 Senior Youth Group 10.
18 July 1984 - Parish ice skating trip
21 November 1984 - Tuesday club 30, Outram +_ Presbyterians 45, No senior youth group.
20 March 1985 – Bill & Marilyn Sim & family at church picnic.
31 March 1985 - AGM - Children’s corner in church. Children’s clubs up – 30 Tuesday, 40 Wednesday No junior youth group.
Vicar’s report 84/85 - Children’s clubs going Junior youth group 15.
1 April 1987 – AGM - Jenny Looser reported –many children from Murray St. She helps at evening service.
1 April 1987 AGM - Children clubs 50 Outram, 40 St. Luke’s. Intermediate youth group Bonnie Smith – 10 -15. Junior High 6-10.
15 June 1988 – Birthday cards to be given to baptised children up to 5.
16 February 1989 – Youth group – 25 high school students.
27 April 1989 – AGM -. Vicar report – slight decline – more pre-schoolers because of programme run by parents. M.Evans. Evening service – mostly young – pop style. Children’s clubs still going. Intermediate & junior high youth groups. Kay Verheul prepared children for confirmation. Also takes Tuesday group & leads worship.
Vicars Report 1989 – Attendance Bonnie Smith taking children’s groups & discussion groups.
21 March 1990 – Young people work challenging but booming. Most are not Christian. Hank & Kay take Senior youth group – 25. Intermediate & junior now 8.
26 April 1990 – Christine Wilson gives children’s talks.
8 February 1991 – Waipori Falls picnic good.
20 March 1991 - . Sunday School during worship 30 children.
AGM 1991 – Senior youth group going. Young Adults 16 -20 – Verheuls.
27 February 1992 - Hank Verheul is supervising the Intermediate, Senior & 2 young adult groups.
23 April 1992 AGM - Wardens report – Social trips in year – skating trip in winter & picnic in summer. Secondary school children & youth group are functioning well. St. Thomas’s 1992 – In many cases children came from the Wednesday club.
27 November 1992 - Vestry will underwrite the Parish Youth camp for $80 –
28 January 1993 -. Sunday School is a burden to the 2 people taking it, instead there will be children’s talk at the 10.30 service, followed by related activities. A crèche is needed.
25 February 1993 – there are 4 youth groups underway. Parish picnic to be held at Henley School for $30.
22 April 1993 .AGM - Need more input for children & retired people. Thursday Club – 27 members – 8-20 attend. – mostly evangelism
15 Aug 1993 - Youth Evangelist – Sandra Lowther. Children – Sunday school is going well, Thursday club is real evangelism.
22 July 1993 -? host 1994 May Diocese holiday programme.
23 Sept 1993 - M.Evans will run the July holiday programme.
27 January 1994 – Children’s programme will run 5 – 8 July Marilyn Evans.
28 April 1994 AGM – AGM Vicars’ report – more children in church. Youth groups – Form 1-4 has 9; Wednesday evening 12 – 14 Half come from Dunedin. The Thursday club numbers have dropped. Sunday School has a superintendent & teaching assistants. St. Thomas’s centennial – 60 people
23 June 1994 - Youth group Form 1 – 4 quite big. Skating trip 7 Aug – arranged by Paul Evans.
22 September 1994 - Anna & Russell resigned as Sunday school co-ordinators.
27 October 1994 - Kelvin Fowler to be youth worker.
26 January 1995 - Youth ministry – Kelvin settled in office at Unity House. No picnic, garden tour instead.
April 1995 – Vicar’s report - Still an Outram Children’s club. Youth work Sunday School going well, Kelvin Fowler helpful – taking Lucozades. 2 youth groups on Friday night – F2 – F4 has 40 children. Cyril Ashby took F5 upwards on a tramp. Lorna & team work with Thursday children. Ice skating trip mid winter
27 April 1995 AGM 9 committed payment to youth work – nearly $100 a month.
28 July 1995 - Skating Trip on August 20th.
28 September 1995 - Sunday School – Russell Pickersgill Brown is taking.
November 1995 –For Sunday School breakup taking children to Georgie Pie in Dunedin.
22 February 1996 -. St Thomas club has started.
28 March 1996 - Daniel & Sally are running the youth group.
25 April 1996 AGM - St. Thomas’s has children’s club. Wardens Report - . The Thursday club no longer operating,
23 23 May 1996 - Some people are concerned at children’s noise in church.
28 August 1996 - Friday night youth group stopped
19 December 1996 – children did play in church
20 April 1997 AGM – had harvest festival with picnic at Outram Museum. Russell organizes the music team.
21 August 1997 - Young adults to meet at Rosemary Brown’s house in August. Sunday School has 3 teachers – Lorna Lowther main leader.
25 September 1997 - 4-5 young people interested in youth group.
30 October 1997 - New teachers needed for Sunday School
January 1998 – There are 4 teachers in the Sunday School. 6 come to youth group. ? have an informal Sunday night service
June 1998 - Sunday school has 3 leaders. To try to set up a crèche/video of mothers with babies or toddlers.
11 March 1999 - Vicar’s report – Sunday School is operating going well.
10 May 1999 - Vicar’s report – Social events have included tramping
June 1999 - Cherie Musson-Green would like to set up a young children’s ministry.
October 1999 –? have an after school club instead of Sunday School.
May 7 2000 – AGM – We are trying to retain children of 13+. Wardens’ report – There is a small Sunday school.
January/February 2001 – May 6 2001 AGM - Some people are not happy with children in church. The vicar said children are welcome.
May 6 2001 AGM Wardens’ report. Social activities – Sunday afternoon hikes – Jonathon Wood; There was a Christmas tree decoration service for the children.
March 2002 – It was decided to supervise the children in church.
Adult Courses
Churchwardens report 1968.- First time there have been adult study groups meeting under lay leadership – Pat Scott organised these.
15 May 1977 – Renewal 77 programme.
3 December 1980 – “Partners in Mission” small committee. Vestry writing to oppose Springbok tour.
4 March 1981 - “Anglicans in Aoteoroa” coming .Vicar, Pat Scott & Pam Hassall going.
29 April 1981 – . 3 study groups re “Anglicans in Aoteoroa’. These are still active at Hassalls.
7 October 1981 – 6 going to “Anglicans in Aoteoroa”. + R. Pickersgill, Messrs. Hassall & Hopkins. Also went to follow up.
15 August 1984 - Study groups set up.
Vicar’s report 1985/1986 - House groups started.
1 April 1987 – AGM – More house groups.
Vicar’s report 1986/1987 Increase in number at house groups.
AGM 1991 – House groups Tuesday & Wednesday .
23 April 1992 AGM - 50 – 60 parishioners in Lenten studies
25 February 1993 – A seminar by Michael Green will be held on 7,8,9, May St. Luke’s.
27 May 1993 – Michael Green seminar was a success – some profit.
28 April 1994 AGM. . Last year had Michael Green seminar, Bob Bennett spoke on home groups. There are 9 house groups in the parish. Vicars conducted “Saints for Healing” course during year.
Vicars’ report. 1995 -. 7 small groups doing “Called to Serve “ series.
Wardens’ report - Bill Subritzsky spent time in the parish meeting vicars & leaders. Don Battley – head Anglican Renewal Ministries visited.
27 April 1995 AGM – To have Anglican Renewal weekend in July.
24 April 1997 - Alpha course – vicars from Balclutha coming to talk about it. Pickersgill Browns & Tappers to go to it.
31 July 1997 - St. Luke’s now has 3 home groups & 1 men’s group. Alpha conference was challenging. ? would be good for St. Luke’s.
25 September 1997 -. 3 week leadership course started for Alpha.
20 April 1997 AGM – A study group is running
27 November 1997 - Alpha dinner to start on 25 February. Camp to be at Tirihonga 25 March. St.
January 1998 – Alpha 2 classes, Friday morning & Wednesday evening.
February 1998 – Alpha had 18 at first night, Friday 14
June 1998 - Three are attending “Church Alive” conference..
11 March 1999 – Kevin & Helen are doing an Elijah Prayer counselling course. 50 people attended the Alpha dinner, with 10 + 4 leaders going to do the course.
April 1999 – Vicar’s report. Alpha Holy Spirit weekend was held.
Vicar’s report –1999 an Alpha course has been run, thanks to Anna & Russell Pickersgill-Brown and then Cyril Ashby.
October 1999 –. The vicar is running a network course.
November 1999 – Network course is going well. It will cost the parish $249, AAW have paid $200.
March 2000 – There is another network course running.
July 2000 – The Alpha follow up has grown to 17.
August 2000 – There is another network course starting.
September 2000 –There will be another Alpha dinner.
October 2000 – a community dinner was held 50 attended. 10 people doing Alpha.
January/February 2001 There may be another Alpha course in May.
March 2001 4 people are going on a lab one course.
Wardens’ report. 2001 An Alpha community dinner was held.
June 2002 - AGM The Alpha sign is to come down.